he identity of the creator of the first map is unknown. The first recorded maps were discovered around the ancient city of Babylon. The maps were created on clay tablets around 2300 B.C. Gerardus Mercator of Belgium is credited with publishing the first map used for nautical navigation in 1569.
When reading a map, first look at the legend to understand the symbols used on the map and their meanings. Next, examine the scale to understand the relationship between distances on the map and in reality.
A map is a depiction of a part of the planet Earth, a specific place on Earth, or a place outside of the Earth; a map is a word for a picture, photo, drawing, image; a word for a thing.
The idiom "put him on the map" means to bring someone or something to widespread attention or recognition, often making them famous or successful. It implies that the person or thing was relatively unknown or insignificant before gaining this attention.
The first map of the Philippines was made by Spanish explorer and cartographer Diego Ribero in 1527. It was included in the "Padrón Real," a map commissioned by King Charles V of Spain.
The map that first showed the New World as new continents was drawn by German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller in 1507. This map, known as the Waldseemüller map, named the new continents "America" in honor of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci.
first person who use map
Chinese mercator also made a map of the world
Either the pirates made the map originally, or they took it from the person who did make it.
Ptolemy was the first person to invent maps
Eratosthenes. I think another ancient Greek, Anaximander, is the answer. Obviously, we can't be sure who was really the first map maker. It's known for example that earlier maps were made by the Babylonians and Egyptians, but we don't know the the individuals who made those maps.
On Jupiter.
the first person to make a dictionary was george lopes
The first person to make jeans was jack loneragan
first go to the event editing mode on the map. then right click the square you want the person to be. then choose new event then select a "person" graphic and press ok
The first person to make one