The distance between Charleston, SC and Fort Jackson, SC is approximately 120 miles. This can vary depending on the specific route taken and any traffic conditions.
The driving distance from Bluffton, SC to Charleston, SC is approximately 100 miles and takes about 2 hours to drive, depending on traffic conditions.
The closest IKEA to Charleston, SC is in Charlotte, NC, approximately 200 miles away.
The current owner of the Calhoun House in Charleston, SC is the College of Charleston Foundation. They purchased the property in 2018 to serve as student housing.
The distance between Inman, SC and Charleston, SC is approximately 200 miles by road. Driving time can vary depending on traffic and route taken.
what is the elevation for Charleston SC
Charleston (SC) to Columbia (SC) = distance = 162 Km
about 9 miles
Charleston International Airport - Charleston, SC (CHS / KCHS) which is about 13 driving miles from Charleston Harbor.
Please provide airports close to Charleston, SC.
The driving distance between Charleston, Sc and Bluffton, Sc is about 2 hours and 15 minutes.
The distance between Charleston, SC and Fort Jackson, SC is approximately 120 miles. This can vary depending on the specific route taken and any traffic conditions.
The driving distance from Bluffton, SC to Charleston, SC is approximately 100 miles and takes about 2 hours to drive, depending on traffic conditions.
Halfway city between Atlanta and Charleston SC
67 miles between Charleston and vance sc Hope this helps!
I-26 runs right through N. Charleston.
There are about 407.162 miles between Charleston, SC and Sarasota, FL.