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Alfred Wegener proposed that South America and Africa looked like they could fit together like puzzle pieces, supporting his theory of continental drift.

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Q: Which two continents did Alfred Wegener think looked like they fitted together like puzzle pieces?
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What two continents did Alfred Wegener think looked like they fitted together like puzzle pieces?

Alfred Wegener proposed that Africa and South America looked like they could fit together like puzzle pieces, supporting his theory of continental drift.

What evidence may be called to prove that there once existed a super continent called Pangaea?

Evidence to prove the existence of the supercontinent Pangaea includes fossil evidence of similar plant and animal species across continents, the matching shapes of coastlines and mountain ranges on different continents, and the distribution of ancient rock formations that line up when continents are fitted together. Additionally, geological evidence such as rock layers and paleoclimatic data also supports the theory of Pangaea's existence.

When the landmasses of the British isles and Scandinavia are fitted together mountains chains and rock types?

The mountains chains and rock types in the British Isles and Scandinavia show geological similarities, indicating that these regions were once connected. This is supported by the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how continents have moved over time due to the shifting of tectonic plates. The geological history of these regions includes episodes of mountain building and volcanic activity, which have shaped the landscapes we see today.

What machinery is used on a arable farm?

Machinery used on an arable farm includes tractors, plows, cultivators, seed drills, combine harvesters, and balers. Tractors are the most common and versatile machinery used for various tasks such as plowing, planting, and harvesting crops. Other specialized machinery like sprayers and grain carts are also commonly used on arable farms.

What is an oblique photo?

An oblique photo is a photograph taken at an angle rather than directly overhead, providing a more dimensional view of the subject. This type of photo is commonly used in aerial photography and architectural photography to show perspective and depth.

Related questions

What two continents did Alfred Wegener think looked like they fitted together like puzzle pieces?

Alfred Wegener proposed that Africa and South America looked like they could fit together like puzzle pieces, supporting his theory of continental drift.

What is one of the reasons Alfred Wegener believed Earth's continents once formed a single massive supercontinent?

Observations of a map of the continents hinted that the continents once fitted together. Later, he would discover fossil evidence to support his theory. But alas, he was unable to explain the mechanism by which the continents could move, and was soundly thrashed by geologists of his time. The discoveries leading to the science of plate tectonics were not made until the mid twentieth century.

Why didn't people believe Alfred Wegener's theory on contenental drift?

One reason people didn't believe Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift was because he couldn't provide a plausible mechanism for how the continents moved. Additionally, Wegener's evidence was mostly based on geological and paleontological similarities between continents, which was not considered sufficient proof at the time. The scientific community also generally resisted accepting radical new ideas, and many scientists were reluctant to challenge the prevailing belief in static continents.

How do scientists gather and interpret evidence that earth is continually changing?

Scientists gather evidence of Earth's continual changes through various methods, such as studying rock layers, dating techniques, and monitoring environmental data. They interpret this evidence by analyzing patterns, trends, and correlations, which help them understand the processes responsible for shaping Earth's landscape and ecosystems over time.

What was probably the first line of evidence that led some to suspect the continents where once connected?

The shapes of those continents, too many looked like they fitted together.

Who proposed that all of the continents were once one large continent what was that one large continent called?

The theory of Pangaea, proposed by Alfred Wegener, suggested that all continents were once connected as one supercontinent. Pangaea is believed to have existed about 300 million years ago during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras.

When was it noticed that continents fit together?

The first observation that continents seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces was made in the late 16th century by Abraham Ortelius, a Flemish cartographer. However, the theory of continental drift, proposing that continents were once part of a single supercontinent, was popularized by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century.

How do glacial deposits support the idea of continental drift?

With continents in their present positions, the till deposits do indicate erratic glacier motion. When continents are fitted together, they show much more streamlined motion of the glacier from the southern Africa and the Northern Australia outward.

What theory supports the continental drift theory?

The idea that the continents were once one super-continent and subsequently moved apart is the basis of the theory of continental drift. Continental drift was first proposed as a scientific hypothesis with evidences by Alfred Wegener early in the twentieth century. Unfortunately, the evidence he was able to cite, such as similarities in coastline geographies and fossils on either side of the Atlantic, did not provide an explanation for the mechanism which caused it to happen. In Wegener's theory, the continents were somehow able to plow through the oceans. It wasn't until the mid-twentieth century that the Atlantic Ridge system was discovered. Further investigation revealed that the magnetic orientation of rock on either side of the ridge matched the orientation on the other side of the ridge, providing the proof for the mechanism that caused the continents to move apart. Basaltic magma was infilling the area on either side of the ridge to create new continental crust. Subduction of older, denser oceanic crust takes place at collision zones where it meets less dense oceanic and continental crust. The whole process is driven by gravity and heat from the Earth's interior via convection currents in the mantle. The process is no longer called continental drift, but is referred to as plate tectonics.Alfred Wagner's theory was that the sea floor was spreading, causing the continents to 'drift'. The theory was originally tossed aside because the fact that the continents fitted together was not sufficient.

How do you put a a gun together in colonial times?

You made the barrel, fitted the stock to the barrel, then fitted the lock to the stock.

How do the shapes of different coastlines support continental drift?

The shapes of different coastlines can provide evidence for continental drift because some coastlines on different continents appear to fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. For example, the coastlines of South America and Africa have similar shapes and can be fitted together. This suggests that these continents were once joined together and later drifted apart.

Is the theory of continental drift?

The idea that the continents were once one super-continent and subsequently moved apart is the basis of the theory of continental drift. Continental drift was first proposed as a scientific hypothesis with evidences by Alfred Wegener early in the twentieth century. Unfortunately, the evidence he was able to cite, such as similarities in coastline geographies and fossils on either side of the Atlantic, did not provide an explanation for the mechanism which caused it to happen. In Wegener's theory, the continents were somehow able to plow through the oceans. It wasn't until the mid-twentieth century that the Atlantic Ridge system was discovered. Further investigation revealed that the magnetic orientation of rock on either side of the ridge matched the orientation on the other side of the ridge, providing the proof for the mechanism that caused the continents to move apart. Basaltic magma was infilling the area on either side of the ridge to create new continental crust. Subduction of older, denser oceanic crust takes place at collision zones where it meets less dense oceanic and continental crust. The whole process is driven by gravity and heat from the Earth's interior via convection currents in the mantle. The process is no longer called continental drift, but is referred to as plate tectonics.Alfred Wagner's theory was that the sea floor was spreading, causing the continents to 'drift'. The theory was originally tossed aside because the fact that the continents fitted together was not sufficient.