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The territory that shares its western border with the Northwest Territories is Yukon. It is located to the west of the Northwest Territories.

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Q: Which territory shares its western border with the northwest territories?
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Both the Northwest Territories and British Columbia share borders with the Yukon and Alberta.

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Both the Yukon Territory( in the west ) and the Northwest Territories ( in the East ) share their border with Alberta.

What is the territory immediately south of the Yukon Territory?

None. Alaska shares a common border with Yukon and British Columbia. There is no gap.

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Most of BC's northern border is with the Yukon Territory. The rest is with the Northwest Territories.

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Northwest Territories and Nunavut

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Alberta to the West, Manitoba to the East and the Northwest Territory to the North

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The Ohio River formed the southern border of the Northwest Territory.

Which territories are situated north of British Columbia?

Yukon and the Northwest Territory are along British Columbia northern border. Nunavut is northeast of British Columbia.

What are some major land forms in the northwest territories?

Part of the Northwest Territories lies above the Arctic Circle. Much of that area is tundra that is frozen most of the year. The eastern part of the Northwest Territories is granite based, covered by a thin layer of soil. Dozens of rivers and lakes dot the area. Mount Nirvana, the highest mountain in the Northwest Territories form part of the border with the Yukon Territory.