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When you cross one, you change your clock by 1 hour

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5mo ago

Time meridians are theoretical lines that represent the flow of time across different dimensions or points in space. They are used as a concept in Science Fiction to illustrate the idea of time travel or alternate realities. However, they do not have a basis in scientific fact and are purely a fictional construct.

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Are lines of longitude also called meridians?


What do meridians have to do with time?

time is related to meridians because takes 24 hrs to earth to rotate on is own axle if you divide the circumference of earth on 24 slices it will give you 24 meridians

Where do the meridians meet?

The meridians meet at the poles, which are the points on Earth's surface where the lines of longitude converge. At the North Pole, all lines of longitude meet, and the same is true for the South Pole.

How many meridians are there on the earth surface?

There are a total of 360 meridians on the Earth's surface, running from the North Pole to the South Pole. Each meridian is spaced 1 degree apart, helping to define longitudinal coordinates on maps and globes.

Which direction do Yin meridians flow?

Of the twelve regular meridians, the yin meridians always flow up the body, and all the yang meridians always flow down.

Would two cities between two meridians be in the same time zone?


What direction must the ship be sailing along a meridian?

To sail along a meridian, one must sail true north or true south. Meridians of longitude run N/S.

Why are longitudes called meridians of longitudes?

as all the places on the same longitude have their noon at the same time

What do you call the vertical lines around the globe?

meridians or lines of longitude

Lines of longitude called what?

Meridians of longitude; parallels of latitude. Remember that meridians are all the same length (20,000 km) and that they meet at the poles. Parallels are, well, parallel, and are different lengths, the longest being the Equator.

Meridians are lines of?

Meridians are lines of longitude that are drawn from the North to South poles.

Term for meridians?

Meridians are lines of longitude that pass from the North to the South poles.