The only countries with three letters in their name are Fiji and Vanuatu.
None of the Scandinavian countries have a name with only three letters.
There are truly only 10 countries with four letters and they are Peru, Cuba, Laos, Chad, Togo, Mali, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Fiji, and Guam
There are no countries with only three letters in their names, but there are 3-letter codes that are used for various purposes. For example, the United Nations has 3-letter country codes and so does the Olympics. For more information about their codes visit the Related Links.
There are no countries (in English) with names five letters long with "s" as the second letter.
The Congo and Kenya, both African countries
Spain may be the only one.
Italy, India, Egypt and that's all I can think of.
There are no countries that have only 3 letters.
Ulan Bator
The only countries with three letters in their name are Fiji and Vanuatu.