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Philippines is the riches country in terms of natural resources

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Russia is rich in natural gas and timber, Saudi Arabia in oil, Australia in iron ore and coal, Chile in copper, and Democratic Republic of Congo in cobalt. Each country has unique resources that contribute to their wealth and economy.

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Q: Which countries are rich in which natural resources?
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How does the uneven distribution of natural resources affect world trade?

The uneven distribution of natural resources can create dependencies between countries, leading to imbalances in trade relationships. Countries with abundant resources have leverage in trade negotiations, while resource-poor countries may become reliant on imports, impacting their economies. Additionally, resource-rich countries may experience volatility in their economies due to fluctuations in resource prices on the global market.

Why do countries depend on each other for natural resources?

Countries depend on each other for natural resources because not every country has access to all the resources it needs. Some countries have abundant reserves of certain resources, while others have shortages. By trading with each other, countries can obtain the resources they lack, promoting economic growth and stability.

Why are some countries with plenty of natural resources poorer than some other countries?

Some countries with abundant natural resources may struggle with poverty due to factors such as corruption, weak governance, mismanagement of resources, lack of infrastructure, political instability, or dependence on a single export commodity. These issues can hinder economic diversification, create inequality, and prevent the full potential of natural resources from being realized for the benefit of the population.

What are two major resources found in Latin America?

Two major resources found in Latin America are oil and minerals. Many countries in the region are rich in oil reserves, particularly Venezuela and Brazil. In addition, Latin America is known for its abundant deposits of minerals such as copper, silver, and gold, with countries like Chile and Peru being major producers.

What are the natural resources visayas?


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depends where "it" is

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Most deserts are rich in mineral resources.

How does the uneven distribution of natural resources affect world trade?

The uneven distribution of natural resources can create dependencies between countries, leading to imbalances in trade relationships. Countries with abundant resources have leverage in trade negotiations, while resource-poor countries may become reliant on imports, impacting their economies. Additionally, resource-rich countries may experience volatility in their economies due to fluctuations in resource prices on the global market.

What is the difference between the Philippines is rich in natural resources how would you differentiate it from the other Asian countries?

its the difference between good and poor english

What were the benefits of colonization for the Europeans countries?

They get natural resources such as cacao. They get natural resources such as cacao.