Oceania has the most islands, with thousands of them spread out across the Pacific Ocean. The countries in Oceania, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea, are composed of many islands.
The Philippine islands are closest to the continent of Asia.
AsiaThe Phillipines Islands are on the Pacific Ocean near mainland Asia and are part of the continent of Asia. Consists over 7,000 islands, over 280 languages. One of the most diverse place in the world.
Australia is a continent that correlates with being surrounded by a group of islands in the southern hemisphere.
No, the Philippines is not a continent. It is an archipelago in Southeast Asia consisting of thousands of islands. The Philippines is part of the continent of Asia.
The Cook Islands is not situated in any continent; it is located in the South Pacific Ocean.
That would have to be Asia.
Islands are by definition, not in or on a continent.
Islands are by definition, not in or on a continent.
Antarctica is the continent where Balleny Islands is on
Islands in an ocean don't belong to any continent. If they were part of a continent they wouldn't be islands would they? The African Continent is the continent nearest the Canary Islands, but the islands are the result of volcanic activity on the ocean floor.
The Solomon Islands are located in the continent of Oceania.
asia- continent with the most number of islands, like philippine islands, indonesia and many more.
The Canary Islands are on the African tectonic plate, and given their proximity to Africa they are most definitely in Africa.
Zealandia is the continent we are on, but as most of it is submerged, we are a group of islands, some quite widely spread. From the Auckland islands in the south to Raoul Island in the north, and Antipodes Island and Chatham Islands in the East.
The channel Islands are in the Contienent of Europe.
The Philippine islands are closest to the continent of Asia.
There are many species of cockatoo, and most of them are native to the continent of Australia. They are also found on some islands of the South Pacific including Papua New Guinea, and some of the Indonesian islands.