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The tropical zone, also known as the tropics, is located between 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south latitudes. This region is characterized by warm temperatures, high humidity, and distinct wet and dry seasons.

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Q: Which climatic zone is located between latitudes 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south?
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All of Minnesota ... as well as all of the rest of the continental US and most of Alaska ... is situated between those latitudes.

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Reading it off my map: The extent of Japanese territory appears to be bounded north/south by latitudes 30degrees10minutes and 45degrees45minutes north latitude.

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Antarctica occupies the highest latitudes, with the South Pole located at around 90 degrees south latitude.

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The latitudes covered by the island of Madagascar range roughly between 11.98° to 25.53° South.

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Where is 33 degrees north 13 degrees south located?

You gave two contradictory latitudes, and provided no longitude. This question is unaswerable.