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The areas of the Americas that produced the bulk of the silver that fueled global commerce in the 16th century were primarily present-day Mexico (especially regions like Zacatecas and Guanajuato) and Peru (especially the Potosi region). These regions were rich in silver deposits and were key sources of the precious metal during the colonial period.

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Q: Which areas of the Americas produce the bulk of the silver that fueled global commerce in the 16th century?
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What effect did the Treaty of Tordesillas have on Europe and exploration?

The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the non-European world between Spain and Portugal along a meridian line, leading to increased competition between the two countries for control of new lands. This competition fueled further exploration and colonization efforts by both nations in the Americas and around the world.

Who had more agriculture North or South?

The South had more agriculture than the North during the antebellum period in the United States. The Southern economy was largely reliant on plantation agriculture, specifically cotton, which fueled the demand for slave labor before the Civil War. In contrast, the North had a more diversified economy that included manufacturing, commerce, and some agriculture.

Why did European countries explore claim and settle the mouth American continent?

European countries explored, claimed, and settled the Americas primarily for economic reasons, seeking wealth through resources like gold and silver. They also wanted to spread Christianity and increase their political power through territorial expansion. Additionally, competition among European powers fueled exploration and colonization efforts.

What was the belief that America was meant to spread across the entire continent?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that America was destined to expand its territory across the entire continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This ideology fueled westward expansion in the 19th century and justified the aggressive acquisition of land from Native American tribes and Mexico.

What is known as the belief that the United States should spread across the north America continent from coast to coast?

Manifest Destiny is the belief that the United States should expand its territory across the North American continent from coast to coast. It was a widely held belief in the 19th century that fueled westward expansion and the acquisition of territories such as Texas, Oregon, and California.

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