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Following the Civil War and the end of slavery, sharecropping became the dominant system of agriculture in the Southeast, region C on themap. This was replaced the system of slavery, and while the African American farmers might have been "free" their rights were still severely limited as to where they could farm and if they could own land.

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The Southern United States region, particularly the states that were part of the former Confederacy, was where sharecropping was the dominant form of agricultural production in the late-1800s. This system emerged after the Civil War as a way for freed slaves and poor whites to work the land owned by wealthy landowners in exchange for a portion of the crops produced.

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Q: Which area on the map represents the region where sharecropping was the dominant form of agricultural production in the late-1800s?
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The earliest record of juggling, a panel from the 15th Beni Hassan tomb of an unknown prince, shows female dancers and acrobats throwing balls. Juggling has also been recorded in most other early civilizations including Chinese, Indian, Greek, Aztec (Mexico) and Polynesian civilizations.1994-1781 B.C. - EgyptThe earliest known record of toss juggling, from the 15th Beni Hassan tomb of an unknown prince, depicting female dancers and acrobats throwing ballsThis Egyptian wall painting (c. 1994-1781 BC)770-476 B.C. -- ChinaVarious jugglers are mentioned in histories, usually warriors who would display their skill to their enemies, sometimes managing to end a conflict before they began. Some jugglers are named, including:Lan Zi, from the state of song, credited with juggling seven swords.Yi Liao of Shinan juggled balls to settle the conflict between two houses was eliminated.Xiong Yiliao, in a battle between the states of Chu and Song, juggled nine balls at the same time.400-200 B.C. -- GreeceJuggling recorded in Greek writings. There is also terra cotta statue of a man with balls balanced on different parts of his body, from the time of Ptolomaer of ancient Thebes.50-400 A.D. -- Roman EmpireJuggling recorded in Rome. Tagatus Ursus, a Roman, claimed on his grave inscription to have been the first to juggle with glass balls, and Sidonius Apollinaris, an officer in a Roman legion, entertained his troops by performing juggling tricks with balls.400-600 A.D. -- IrelandIrish hero Cuchulainn juggles nine apples. A few centuries later Tulchinne, the royal buffoon of king Conaire, is described as juggling nine swords, nine silver shields, and nine balls of gold.500-1500 A.D -- EuropeJuggling was an acceptable diversion until the decline of the Roman Empire, after which it fell into disgrace. Throughout the Middle Ages most histories were written by religious clerics who frowned upon the type of performers who juggled, called 'Gleemen', accusing them of base morals or even practicing witchcraft. Jugglers in this era would only perform in market places, streets, fairs or drinking houses. They would perform short, humorous and bawdy acts and pass a hat or bag among the audience for tips. Some king's and noblemen's bards, fools, or jesters would have been to juggle or perform acrobatics, though their main skills would have been oral (poetry, music, comedy and story telling).1066 -- EnglandTaillefer, the warrior-bard of William of Normandy, juggles before the enemy lines and makes the first kill at the Battle of Hastings.1528 -- IndiaThe Emperor of Hindustan described jugglers with wooden rings.1528 -- AmericaChristoph Weiditz draws Native Mexicans toss juggling and foot juggling/antipodism, which is also often found in Aztec art.1680 -- GermanyThe first recorded juggling workshop, the Town Council of Nuremberg hired a "ball-master" who juggled and taught others juggling and other skills.1700s -- FranceThe earliest known representation of juggling as a single arc of props over widely separated hands, from an 18th century French wood cut. Before this time, all images of jugglers show the hands close together with their props in columns above each hand.1768 -- EnglandPhilip Astley opens the first modern circus. A few years later he employs jugglers to perform acts along with the horse and clown acts. From then until the modern day, jugglers have found work and have commonly been associated with circuses.1774 -- Pacific IslandsFirst record of hiko in Tonga, young girls throwing limes, gourds, or tui tui nuts in the shower pattern, by George Forster, aboard Captain Cook's second Pacific voyage.1793 -- North AmericaJohn Bill Ricketts presents America's first circus. In the opening show, watched by George Washington, Ricketts juggled on horseback.1795 -- ChinaFoot juggling/antipodism recorded at the Court of the Emperor of China.1821 -- EnglandWilliam Hazlitt writes the essay "The Indian Juggler" describing a four ball juggling routine in detail, probably performed by Ramo Samee, considered to be the first modern professional juggler. In his day Ramo Samee was a well-known British celebrity.Mid-Late1800s -- Europe and North AmericaVariety and music hall theatres become more popular, and jugglers are in demand to fill time between music acts, performing in front of the curtain while sets are changed.Performers start specializing in juggling, separating it from other kinds of performance such as sword swallowing and magic.The Gentleman Juggler style is established by German jugglers such as Salerno and Kara.Rubber processing is developed and jugglers start using rubber balls. Previously juggling balls were made from balls of twine, stuffed leather bags, wooden spheres or various metals. Solid rubber balls meant that bounce juggling was possible. Inflated rubber balls lead to ball spinning.1883 -- North AmericaIn Boston a new style of variety show is born. The format is a continuous show, the same 8-10 acts repeated over and over, the audience coming and going when they had seen all the acts. This was later known as Vaudeville.1885 -- EnglandPaul Cinquevalli (1859 -- 1918) made his debut at a circus in Covent Garden, London. Cinquevalli was the first juggling super-star, and was referred to by the British press as the world's greatest juggler.Late 1800s -- Early 1900s -- North AmericaIn the USA the popularity of variety shows and vaudeville shows created great demand for professional jugglers. To distinguish them from other entertainers, jugglers were constantly developing new tricks, props, styles and characters, many of which survive to this day.Here are some juggling "firsts" from America, based on anecdotal evidence.