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Most slaves traveled from Africa to the Americas as part of the Triangular Trade route. They were forcibly transported across the Atlantic Ocean to work on plantations and in mines in the Americas.

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Q: Which Direction Did Most Slaves Travel The Triangular Trade That Developed Between Europe Africa And The Americas?
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This diagram shows the triangular trade that developed between Europe Africa and the Americas. In which direction did most manufactured goods travel?

Most manufactured goods traveled from Europe to Africa, where they were exchanged for enslaved Africans.

How to Use triangular trade in a sentence?

Triangular trade was a historical trade route that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas exchanging goods and slaves. An example sentence could be: "During triangular trade, European merchants would trade manufactured goods for African slaves, who were then transported to the Americas to be exchanged for raw materials like sugar and tobacco."

What is the difference between the Columbian exchange and triangular trade?

The Columbian Exchange was the widespread exchange of plants, animals, culture, ideas, and diseases between the Americas and the rest of the world following Christopher Columbus' voyages in 1492. Triangular Trade, on the other hand, was a historical trading system between Europe, Africa, and the American colonies that involved the exchange of goods, slaves, and raw materials in a three-legged route.

Why were some Trade routes called triangular trade Routes provided and example that explains the countries involved in the good traded between these countries?

Triangular trade routes were named because they involved three legs: the Americas, Europe, and Africa. An example is the trade of slaves from Africa to the Americas, sugar and molasses from the Americas to Europe, and manufactured goods from Europe to Africa. This trade route connected these regions and facilitated the exchange of goods and people.

What colonies used the triangular trade route?

Colonies from various European countries participated in the triangular trade route, including British colonies in North America, French colonies in the Caribbean, and Portuguese colonies in Brazil. This trade route involved the exchange of goods, slaves, and other commodities between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

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This diagram shows the triangular trade that develops between Europe, Arica, and the Americas. In which direction did most slaves travel?

From C to A ;)

This diagram shows the triangular trade that developed between Europe Africa and the Americas. In which direction did most manufactured goods travel?

Most manufactured goods traveled from Europe to Africa, where they were exchanged for enslaved Africans.

Who made the triangular trade?

It was the trade between the Americas, Europe and Africa. Triangular = 3 ; there are 3 continents involved.

What locations were involved in the Triangular Trade?

Europe, Africa and North AmericaThe triangular trade linked Western Europe, with Western Central Africa, and the Americas moving in a clockwise direction.

What is represented by triangular trade?

Triangular trade was a three-stage pattern of atlanic trade that carried goods and enslaved people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

What year did the triangular trade start?

The most historically significant triangular trade was the transatlantic slave trade which operated between Europe, Africa and the Americas from the 16th to 19th centuries.

The transatlantic slave trade was part of a triangular trade that developed between Europe Africa and?

The Americans.


A trade between Africa, Americas, and England

How did the middle colonies trade?

The triangular trade route was between 3 points in the Alantic world, the Americas, The West Indies, and Africa.

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The Atlantic slave trade was part of a trade that developed between Europe Africa and the Americas.?

the amaricas

The Atlantic slave trade was part of a trade that developed between Europe Africa and the Americas?

the amaricas