Belleville, IL is approximately 440 miles from Toledo, OH.
Yes, it is located in the city.
Baghdad is a city, it's not located in a city.
The city of Valencia is located in Spain.
The city located at 17N 88W is Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala.
The address of the Belleville Public Library is: 121 East Washington Street, Belleville, 62220 2205
The address of the Belleville Area Museum is: 405 Main St, Belleville, MI 48111-2617
The address of the Belleville Area District Library is: 167 Fourth Street, Belleville, 48111 2609
The address of the Belleville Free Public Library is: 221 Washington Avenue, Belleville, 07109 3189
The city halfway between Belleville, IL and Huntsville, AL is Princeton, KY.
The address of the Belleville Cultural Enrichment Organization is: 101 S Illinois St, Belleville, IL 62220-2105
Serve the City - 2009 The Belleville was released on: USA: 6 December 2009
The address of the Belleville High Banks Hall Of Fame is: Po Box 264, Belleville, KS 66935-0264
There are at least 2 cities in the United States named Belleville. One of them is located in New Jersey and the other is located in southern Illinois.
what is the city that would be a halfway point from belleville and toronto
The address of the West Branch Library is: 3414 West Main Street, Belleville, 62226 6221