If you live in Madera, CA, you live in North America, specifically in the state of California.
The driving distance between Temecula, CA, and San Jose, CA, is approximately 450 miles, which would take around 7-8 hours depending on traffic. However, the exact distance may vary based on the specific starting and ending points within each city.
The distance from Brentwood, CA to Concord, CA is approximately 18 miles.
The distance between Phelan, CA and San Simeon, CA is approximately 240 miles, with a driving time of around 4 hours.
The distance between San Jose, CA and Fairfax, CA is approximately 60 miles.
He lives in the wine country in Temecula,Ca
No, she did not live in Temecula, CA. On the other hand, she did live in California. But in Santa Barbra.
Yes! He was born and raised in Long Beach, CA. His Sister/brother Jenni, Lupillo, and Rosie aslo speak english.
Temecula, California is in Riverside County.
Yes he does. I personally have seen him in the area. I grew up in Murrieta, CA (the sister city right next to temecula). He is frequently seen at a local gym playing basketball.
The address of the Temecula Valley Genealogical Society is: 27475 Ynez Road 291, Temecula, CA 92591-4612
The address of the Temecula Children'S Museum is: 42081 Main St, Temecula, CA 92590
234 miles
362 miles
temecula , ca
No, Temecula does not have a Toys R Us. The closest one to Temecula is about 5 miles away in Murrieta CA. It is located at 39855 Alta Murrieta Drive, Murrieta, CA 92562.