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Labor flowed primarily from West Africa to the Americas in the triangle trade. Enslaved Africans were forcibly transported across the Atlantic Ocean to work on plantations and in mines in the Americas, fueling the economy of the European colonies through their labor.

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Q: Where did labor flow in the triangle trade?
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Where did the slave trade triangle travel from?

The slave trade triangle involved three main routes: Europe to Africa to acquire slaves, Africa to the Americas to sell slaves, and the Americas back to Europe with goods produced by slave labor. This triangular trade route facilitated the transatlantic slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries.

What was the Atlantic triangle?

The Atlantic Triangle refers to the trade route during the colonial period involving Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Goods such as slaves, raw materials, and manufactured goods were exchanged between these regions, contributing to the economic development of Europe and the exploitation of African and indigenous populations.

What impact did the triangle trade have on Caribbean?

The triangle trade had a significant impact on the Caribbean by introducing African slaves to work on sugar plantations, leading to a drastic demographic shift and the establishment of a plantation-based economy. This exploitation of labor and resources contributed to the wealth of European colonial powers while causing immense suffering and exploitation of enslaved Africans in the Caribbean.

How do these trade routes reflect the demand for slaves?

These trade routes show a high demand for slaves as they typically ran from regions in need of labor, like Africa, to areas where labor was scarce, like the Americas. The volume and frequency of goods and people transported along these routes suggest a significant need for slaves for labor in industries such as mining, agriculture, and domestic work. The existence and expansion of these trade routes were driven by the economic incentives and benefits derived from the use of enslaved labor.

What countries continents were involved in triangle trade?

The triangle trade involved Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europe provided manufactured goods to Africa, Africa supplied slaves to the Americas, and the Americas sent raw materials and goods back to Europe.

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What moved from Africa to America in the Triangle Trade?


Where did labor flow in triangular trade?

From Africa to America.

Where did labor flow in the triangular trade?

Finished goods flow in the triangular trade from Europe to Africa.

Where did raw materials flow in triangle trade?

Raw materials such as sugar, cotton, and tobacco flowed from the Americas to Europe in the Triangle Trade. These raw materials were then manufactured into finished goods in Europe, which were then traded to Africa for slaves. The slaves were transported to the Americas to work on plantations, completing the triangular trade route.

Where did the slave trade triangle travel from?

The slave trade triangle involved three main routes: Europe to Africa to acquire slaves, Africa to the Americas to sell slaves, and the Americas back to Europe with goods produced by slave labor. This triangular trade route facilitated the transatlantic slave trade between the 16th and 19th centuries.

Explain the path of the trade triangle?

Trade triangle is the historical term telling the trade among three ports or regions. The trade triangle usually evolves when a region has export commodities.

Why were certain trade route called the triangle trade routes?

Certain trade routes were called triangle trade routes because the route was shaped like a triangle. It was when three ports or regions would trade with each other.

Why were certain trade routes called triangle trade routes?

Certain trade routes were called triangle trade routes because the route was shaped like a triangle. It was when three ports or regions would trade with each other.

What is meant by the term slave trade triangle?

The slave trade triangle refers to the historical system of trading enslaved people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. European ships would transport goods to Africa to trade for enslaved individuals, who were then taken to the Americas to be sold as laborers. The profits from selling enslaved people in the Americas would then be used to buy goods to transport back to Europe, completing the triangular trade route.

What time period is associated with the American triangle trade?

The American Triangle Trade was from 1450-1750.

What was the triangle was for the clivil war?

explain what the triangle trade was

Why were certain trade routes called triangle routes?

Certain trade routes were called triangle trade routes because the route was shaped like a triangle. It was when three ports or regions would trade with each other.