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Rural people moving to the city often faced challenges such as adjusting to urban lifestyle and pace, adapting to higher living costs, and dealing with increased noise and pollution levels. They might also experience difficulties in finding employment that matches their skills and backgrounds.

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Q: When people moved to the city from the country what were three changes the rural people faced in the city?
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Why did the bantu speaking people migrate?

Bantu-speaking people migrated due to factors such as population growth, seeking new land for agriculture, and trade opportunities. They also moved in response to environmental changes or conflicts with other groups.

What are some reasons that people might leave the country of their birth to move to another country?

People might leave their country to seek better economic opportunities, escape political persecution, access higher quality education or healthcare, experience different cultures, or to be with family members who have already moved abroad.

How many people was born from england and moved to south carolina lived there for 9 years and moved to arizona for 1 year?

It is not possible to determine the exact number of people with the information provided. Each individual's life journey is unique and not quantifiable in this context.

The us center of population has moved steadily to the-?

The US center of population has moved steadily westward and slightly southward since the country's founding as a result of population growth and westward expansion. This movement reflects shifts in population density and distribution across different regions of the United States over time.

Sanaa is the capital of what country?

The country whose capital is Sana'a is Yemen. Sana'a is located in the Yemeni Mountains. However, the seat of government moved to Aden after the 2014 coup d'etat against president Hadi. As of 2014, prior to the outbreak of civil war, the population of Sana'a was nearly 4 million people.

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