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I think the word you are looking for is protectorate.

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When a weak country is protected by a stronger one, the weaker country is typically referred to as a client state or satellite state. This arrangement often involves the weaker country relying on the stronger one for security, economic support, or political guidance.

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Q: When a country that is weak is shielded by a stronger the weaker is a?
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Is dollar strong or weak in Europe?

The strength of the US dollar in Europe can vary depending on economic conditions and market factors. Generally, if the dollar is strong relative to the euro, it means the dollar can buy more euros, making goods and services cheaper for US travelers in Europe. If the dollar is weak, it may be more expensive for US travelers in Europe. It's always a good idea to check currency exchange rates before traveling to Europe.

What problems does Haiti face today?

Haiti faces challenges such as political instability, high levels of poverty, inadequate healthcare and education systems, and vulnerability to natural disasters. These issues are exacerbated by corruption, weak infrastructure, and limited access to clean water and sanitation.

What makes a country poor?

A country can be poor due to a combination of factors, such as lack of natural resources, inadequate infrastructure, weak institutions, political instability, corruption, high levels of debt, low levels of education and health care, and limited access to markets. These factors contribute to a lack of economic development, limited opportunities for growth, and high levels of poverty.

What is haiti's level of development?

Haiti is classified as a least developed country by the United Nations due to its low income, high poverty levels, and lack of basic infrastructure and social services. It faces numerous challenges such as political instability, natural disasters, and weak governance that hinder its development progress. Efforts are being made by the government and international organizations to address these issues and improve the country's development outcomes.

What tornadoes are most common in the southeast of the US?

In the southeast US, most tornadoes are classified as weak, EF0 or EF1. These tornadoes typically have wind speeds ranging from 65 to 110 mph and tend to be relatively short-lived. However, occasionally stronger tornadoes, such as EF2 or EF3, can also occur in the southeast region.

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What are the examples of comparative of the word weak?

There is only one comparative of weak, and that is weaker. Some examples of this word in use:"David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker.""Those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.""Treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life."

How is the strength of a weak acid related to the strength of conjugate base?

The strength of a weak acid is inversely related to the strength of its conjugate base. If an acid is weak, its conjugate base will be stronger because the weaker the acid, the more easily it will give up its proton to form the conjugate base. Conversely, a stronger acid will have a weaker conjugate base.

Is mercury the stronger or the weaker?

Weaker. Mercury is a teeny tiny planet.

13 What is the name of a weak trait that is masked by a stronger trait?

The weaker trait is called the recessive trait The stronger one is called the dominant trait

Why do poor countries have weak economies?

The main reason for this is linked to wealth, the wealthier the country the stronger its economy. Poor countries have weaker economies due factors such as avalibility of resources, climate, literacy rates etc.

Is weak force weaker than gravitational force?

The weak nuclear force is stronger than the gravitational force, but it is weaker than the electromagnetic force and the strong nuclear force. The weak force is responsible for processes such as radioactive decay and plays a crucial role in determining the structure of matter at the subatomic level.

Is a concentrated acid always a strong acid?

a strong acid like HF, H2SO4...are stronger when they are concentrated, weaker acids are weak even they are concentrated

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In order to make profit you should buy the currency that is getting stronger and sell the currency that is getting weaker.

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Venus has a weaker magnetic field compared to Earth. While Earth's magnetic field is generated by its iron core, Venus is believed to have a very weak magnetic field, which is likely dynamically induced by the solar wind interacting with its atmosphere.

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Our dollar is weaker than their moneythe dollar is weak

How is the strength of a weak acid related to the strength of its conjugate base?

The strength of a weak acid is inversely related to the strength of its conjugate base. If an acid is weak, its conjugate base will be stronger and vice versa. This relationship follows the principle of the acid-base equilibrium constant, where the stronger the acid, the weaker its conjugate base.

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