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The diverse geography of the European continent, including mountains, rivers, and Coastlines, has contributed to the development of various cultures by shaping settlement patterns, trade routes, and agricultural practices. These physical features have also influenced the spread of ideas, languages, and traditions among different groups of people in Europe.

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Q: What type of physical feature would contribute to the many different cultures on the European continent?
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Which continen is known as the dark continent?

Africa is often referred to as the "Dark Continent" due to its relatively lesser-known history and cultures compared to other continents during the era of European colonization. This term carries a colonial connotation and is not reflective of the richness and diversity of African cultures and societies.

What is the best continent in the world?

It is subjective to determine the "best" continent in the world, as each continent offers diverse cultures, landscapes, and opportunities. Each continent has its unique attractions and beauty that appeal to different people based on their preferences. It is best to explore different continents and appreciate the diversity they offer.

What are Americas four continent zones?

The four continent zones in the Americas are North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Each zone consists of different countries and cultures, contributing to the diverse landscape of the Americas.

Why is Asia considered the largest and the most populous continent?

Asia is considered the largest continent because it has the highest land area compared to the other continents. It is also the most populous continent due to its large land size and diverse range of cultures and ethnic groups which contribute to a high population density.

What sentence for a continent?

Africa is the second-largest and second-most populous continent on Earth, known for its diverse cultures, wildlife, and landscapes.

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Europe isn't a country, but a continent consisting of many countries. Each country has unique customs and cultures.

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Yes, the eastern hemisphere is home to a diverse range of cultures including but not limited to Asian, Middle Eastern, African, and European cultures. This region encompasses countries with unique languages, traditions, religions, and belief systems that contribute to its rich cultural tapestry.

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The three main cultures that contribute to the unique sound of Latin music are indigenous cultures, African cultures, and European cultures. Indigenous influences are reflected in the use of traditional instruments and rhythms, African influences are seen in the complex percussion patterns, and European influences are evident in the harmonic structures and instrumentation.

Which continent has the most language spoken?

Africa is the continent with the most languages spoken, with over 2,000 different languages. This linguistic diversity is due to the many different ethnic groups and cultures found throughout the continent.

America is a continent isn't it?

No-country. North America is the continent.

Which continent contains the most language diversity?

Africa is the continent with the most language diversity, home to over 2,000 different languages. This linguistic diversity can be attributed to the vast number of different ethnic groups and cultures present throughout the continent.

What is Asian culture?

There isn't really a single Asian culture, as the continent of Asia has many different subregions containing vastly different cultures. Some of the most well-known Asian cultures are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian and Persian cultures.

When was Anthropological Journal of European Cultures created?

Anthropological Journal of European Cultures was created in 1990.

Which continen is known as the dark continent?

Africa is often referred to as the "Dark Continent" due to its relatively lesser-known history and cultures compared to other continents during the era of European colonization. This term carries a colonial connotation and is not reflective of the richness and diversity of African cultures and societies.

What are the different types of cultures in the US?

The United States is a diverse country with a wide range of cultures, including African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian American, Native American, and European American cultures. Additionally, there are subcultures based on religion, region, and other factors that contribute to the rich tapestry of American culture.