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A mountain with steep sides, sharp jagged peaks, and narrow valleys is typically classified as a "fold mountain." These mountains form as a result of tectonic activity when two tectonic plates collide, leading to the folding and uplifting of rocks. The iconic Himalayas are an example of fold mountains.

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Q: What type of mountain of age has steep sides with sharp jagged peaks and narrow valleys?
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A mountain of this age has steep sides with sharp jagged peaks and narrow valleys.?


Mountain of this age has steep sides with sharp jagged peaks and narrow valleys?

The mountain is likely a young mountain, formed relatively recently in geological terms due to tectonic forces pushing the Earth's crust upward. The steep sides, sharp peaks, and narrow valleys are characteristic features of young, rugged mountains that have not been eroded much by weathering and other natural processes yet. Over time, the mountain will likely experience erosion that softens its features and changes its landscape.

What is a mountain range with jagged peaks called?


How do jagged mountain peaks become rounded?

erosion by water

What are rounded mountains?

They are mountains without a tip. It is rounded at the top. Rounded mountains are almost always old mountains.As mountains gets older, their peaks get flatter. They are still considered mountains as they pass mountain elevation requirements.There valleys are very wide too. The opposite is a young mountain with shark peaks, narrow valleys, and much taller. For ex., Earth's tallest mountain, Mt.Everest, is a very young mountain.

How can we tell whether a fold mountain is young or old?

The presence of sharp, rugged peaks and deep, narrow valleys indicates a young fold mountain, formed relatively recently. In contrast, smooth, rounded peaks and wider valleys suggest an older fold mountain that has been eroded over time. Additionally, studying the surrounding geological features and sedimentary layers can help determine the age of a fold mountain.

Why do jagged mountain peaks become rounded?

Jagged mountain peaks become rounded over time due to erosion caused by factors such as wind, water, and ice. These forces gradually wear away at the sharp edges and steep slopes of the peaks, smoothing them out and rounding their contours. Additionally, geological processes such as weathering and tectonic activity can also contribute to the rounding of mountain peaks.

What dose the name Sierra mean?

Sierra means "mountain range" in Spanish, referring specifically to a mountain range with jagged peaks.

What does the name 'Sierra' mean?

The name Sierra means 'mountain range' in Spanish. It specifically means a mountain range with jagged peaks.

What range of mountains with jagged peaks?

Can anytone tell me the range of mountains with jagged peaks - i - r - a Sierra

How can jagged mountains peaks become more rounded?

Jagged mountains peaks become more rounded by the process of weathering. This occurs as wind and rain slowly eat away at the mountain, removing tiny bits of the rocks at a time until the mountains look more rounded than jagged.

What is a sentence using the word 'jagged'?

The jagged mountain peaks towered above us, casting long shadows over the valley below.