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the best region for lumber is the eastern region of the united states

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Regions with abundant forests and a thriving timber industry, such as the Pacific Northwest in the United States and parts of Canada, Scandinavia, Russia, and South America, are known for being best for lumber production. These regions typically have an optimal climate, soil, and topography for growing various types of trees used for lumber.

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Q: What regions are best for lumber?
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when you have the lumber shed it will not show the lumber but in fact it DOES go into the lumber shed to get the lumber out press on the shed I HOPE I HAVE HELPED YOU

Is the correct plural of lumber is lumber?

Yes. Lumber.

Is lumber a collective noun?

No, the noun lumber is not used as a collective noun. The collective noun for lumber is a stack of lumber.

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firewood-buy it on craigslist. lumber-home depot or lowes.

Composite Lumber?

form_title= Composite Lumber form_header= Become a handyman with composite lumber. What is the project? *= _ [50] How much lumber do you need?*= _ [50] Does the lumber need to be pretreated?*= () Yes () No

Where is lumber sold?

at a lumber shop!