It has the Nile river running through the middle of it, so the soil is very fertile and good for farming.
The Nile River's annual flooding provided fertile soil for agriculture, making Egypt a prosperous place to settle. The desert geography also provided natural protection from invaders, contributing to the security of early civilizations.
A characteristic of a natural place could be its unique geological formation, such as mountains, canyons, or valleys. These landforms are created by natural processes like tectonic activity and erosion.
An individual who has left one place to settle in another is commonly referred to as an "immigrant" if they are moving to a different country, or a "migrant" if they are moving to a different region within the same country.
The Great Pyramids, and other amazing structures make Egypt a special place.
The exact place on earth where a geographic feature is found is referred to as its coordinates, given in terms of latitude and longitude. These coordinates help pinpoint the specific location of the feature on the Earth's surface.
Raleigh's expedition led by John White did not find a satisfactory place to settle. They encountered challenges such as conflicts with Native American tribes and limited resources. Ultimately, the settlers returned to England, unable to establish a successful colony.
Yes, soil is a physical feature.
The Ohio River.
i need to know what this means not type it in
physical feature of a place determines the climatic conditions of a place, storage of minerals, flora and fauna, fertility of soil, civilizations of centers etc. so physical feature is important not only for India but also for other countries
physical feature of a place determines the climatic conditions of a place, storage of minerals, flora and fauna, fertility of soil, civilizations of centers etc. so physical feature is important not only for India but also for other countries
noting morocco is a broing desert like place
the land and animals
Pyramids, Nile Delta.
A physical feature refers to a characteristic or attribute of an object, place, or person that can be observed and measured. Examples of physical features include size, color, shape, texture, and location. These features help to describe and define the object or entity.
a well known place is the blue mountains or the under water aqriman.
Abraham and his people were semi-nomadic herdsmen, so they moved around and didn't settle in one place for ever. They went to the promised land of Canaan, but lived in several places such as Hebron, Ai, Schechem and even Egypt for a while.