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Industrialization and urbanization in the 19th and 20th centuries forced many small farmers off their land as larger agricultural operations became more efficient and profitable. Additionally, policies such as land enclosures, tariffs, and price controls contributed to the displacement of small farmers.

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Q: What movements forced small farmers off of their land and into cities?
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What did the enclosure movement the farmers to do?

The enclosure movement taught farmers to fence land earmarked for grazing and cultivation.

Why do farmers cultivate in small plot of land?

farmers cultivate in small plot of land because 60 families of medium and large farmers cutivate more than 2 hectares of land and the remaining land is used by the large farmers which is more than 10 hectares. so farmers cultivate in small plot of land because the land is very less and the people are very more.

What were the majority of the southern farmers?

The majority of southern farmers in the United States before the Civil War were small farmers who owned few slaves or none at all. These farmers primarily grew food crops such as corn, wheat, and vegetables for their own consumption and for local markets. Only a small percentage of southern farmers owned large plantations worked by enslaved laborers.

What labor used by the Southern farmers to grow and harvest crops?

Southern farmers primarily relied on enslaved labor to grow and harvest crops, especially before the Civil War. Enslaved individuals were forced to work in the fields under harsh conditions, contributing to the profitability of plantations in the South. This system of forced labor was a key component of the Southern economy during the antebellum period.

Scottish farmers are called?

Farmers in Scotland are often referred to as Scottish farmers. They play a vital role in the country's agricultural industry, contributing to the economy and food production.

Related questions

How did the enclosure movement change agriculture in England-?

It gave landowners new agricultural methods and Large landowners forced small farmers to become tenant farmers or give up farming and move to the cities.

How did spread of migration of small farmers lead to the Rise or Fall of the Roman Republic?

The spread of migration of small farmers into cities caused unemployment which led to the decline of the empire.

What impact did the enclosure movement have to the industrial movement?

The enclosure movement had diverse effects on farmers. The rural proletarians were kicked out the rural lands which resulted to few farmers owning large lands and this result to poverty and homelessness.

Why did large numbers of roman small farmers move to the cities?

They could not compete with large landowners who had slaves

The enclosure movement in Britain most directly impacted the development of the Industrial Revolution by providing?

a ready labor supply for factories and businesses.This is because the enclosure act forced many small farmers off of their land, thereby forcing them to move into cities, where more industrial opportunities were becoming available.

What are the smallest cities in Poland?

The Polish law states that to gain the city status, a community must have at least 2000 inhabitants, over a half of which can't be farmers. As a result there are many small cities in Poland.

When was Small Farmers Party created?

Small Farmers Party was created in 1936.

When was National Association of Small Farmers created?

National Association of Small Farmers was created in 1961.

When was Small Farmers' Party of Finland created?

Small Farmers' Party of Finland was created in 1929.

Who did the whiskey rebellion hurt?

Small farmers.

Why did people move from the country to cities in western Europe in the 19th century?

Large farmers made small farms move to the city for wealth because they took all the wealth.

How did small farmers react to the tax on alcohol?

Small farmers were not thrilled about the tax on alcohol. This is because these farmers enjoyed once being able to afford the alcohol.