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the Appalachian mountains

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5mo ago

The Appalachian Mountains are to the west of the 13 colonies. They stretch from Maine to Georgia and were a significant geographical feature for the colonial settlers, acting as a natural barrier to westward expansion.

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Q: What mountains are to the west of the 13 colonies?
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What was the mountain range was west of the original colonies?

the Appalachian mountains are west of the original 13 colonies. simple 5th grade knowlage(:

Was Illinois not one of original 13 American colonies?

Illinois was Not one of the 13 original American Colonies in 1776. It was too far west. It was on the western side of the Appalachian mountains. All of the 13 colonies were on the eastern side of the mountains.

The 13 colonies bordered the Appalachian Mountains in the west what ocean bordered the Colonies in the west?

Well the Pacific Ocean was to the west of the colonies but, during Colonial times they were no where near the Pacific Ocean.

What was the mountain range that lies directly west of the thirteen original colonies?

The Appalachian Mountains lie directly west of the thirteen original colonies.

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The Appalachian Mountains are west of the British colonies in North America.

What mountain range separates the colonies from the land of the west?

The Appalachian Mountains separate the colonies from the land to the west.

What mountains are in the 13 colonies?

The Appalachian mountains formed the western boundary of the original thirteen states. The mountains run from Newfoundland to Canada.

What mountain range lies west of the thirteen colonies?

The Appalachian Mountains lie west of the thirteen colonies.

The frontier line of the 13 colonies was?

On the West, the border was set along the Appalachian Mountains; On the South, the political boundary with Spanish Florida; On the North, the political boundary with French Canada.

What colonies were surrounded by what mountain on the west?

The Appalachian Mountains are located to the west of the 13 original colonies in North America. These colonies included Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

What was the western edge of the 13 colonies?

It is the Appalachian mountains.

What physical features served as boundaries for the original 13 colonies?

The Appalachian mountains.