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The Pyrenees

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

The Pyrenees mountain range forms a natural border between the Carolingian Empire and Spain.

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Q: What mountain ranges forms a natural border between the Carolingian Empire and Spain?
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What are southeast of the alps mountain did Charlemagne add to the carolingian empire?

Charlemagne added the region of Friuli, located to the southeast of the Alps, to the Carolingian Empire. This region was strategically important for controlling trade routes and defending against invasions from the east.

What area southeast of the Alphas did Charlemagne add to the Carolingian Empire?

Charlemagne added the region of Lombardy southeast of the Alphas to the Carolingian Empire. This expansion in 774 AD significantly increased the power and territorial reach of the empire under his rule.

Which mountain range was north of the empire?

The Carpathian Mountains were north of the Roman Empire.

What did Charlemagne accomplish during his region?

Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was a medieval emperor who unified much of Western Europe under the Carolingian Empire. He established a strong centralized government, promoted education and culture through the Carolingian Renaissance, and played a key role in spreading Christianity throughout the region. He is also remembered for his military conquests and efforts to support economic growth within his empire.

What physical feature which lies between two large bodies of water is the Northern border Muslim Empire?

The physical feature that lies between the Muslim Empire's Northern border is the Caucasus Mountains. These mountains stretch between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, forming a natural barrier between the Muslim Empire and the surrounding regions to the north.

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Did Charlemagne find the Carolingian Empire?

No, Charlemagne founded the Carolingian Empire.

What are southeast of the alps mountain did Charlemagne add to the carolingian empire?

Charlemagne added the region of Friuli, located to the southeast of the Alps, to the Carolingian Empire. This region was strategically important for controlling trade routes and defending against invasions from the east.

How did Frankish traditions weaken the Carolingian empire?

The tradition which weakened the Carolingian Empire was the partition of the empire among the sons of the emperor. This led to wars between the sons over territory, which was often also joined by other relatives.

What is the name of the Charlemagne's empire?

It was called the Carolingian Empire.

Who created the Carolingian Empire?

the carlolingian empire dissolved because

When did the Carolingian Reign start?

The Carolingian or Carlovingian Reign started in 751, with Pippin the Elder. It lasted until 911 in Germany and 987 in France.

Who created an empire and brought together scholars from around Europe?

It was Charlemagne. He created the Carolingian Empire.

When did the Franks establish their empire?

The Franks formally established their empire with the rise of the Carolingian Dynasty in 751.

What empire did Charlemagne find?

Charlemagne did not find an empire (find, meaning discover). He founded and empire (found, meaning begin building up). The empire he founded is called the Carolingian Empire. Depending on the historian whose works you read, the Carolingian Empire was either the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire, or ancestral to the Holy Roman Empire.

What area southeast of the Alphas did Charlemagne add to the Carolingian Empire?

Charlemagne added the region of Lombardy southeast of the Alphas to the Carolingian Empire. This expansion in 774 AD significantly increased the power and territorial reach of the empire under his rule.

What were the strength of Carolingian empire?

does anyone know need it for the evaluation tomorrow

What body of water the carolingian empire to th northwest?

The North sea