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Italian Alps

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The mountain range located on the northern border of the Italian peninsula is the Alps. The Alps stretch across several European countries and form a natural border between Italy and countries like France, Switzerland, and Austria.

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Q: What mountain range is located on the northern border of the Italian peninsula?
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What is is the name of the long mountain range located on the Italian peninsula?

What is the name of the long mountain range located on the Italian pennisula?

The long mountain range that is located on the Italian peninsula is the Apennine Mountains. These mountains also lend the name to the Apennine peninsula that forms the major part of Italy.

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The Apennine Mountains

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The Alps mountain range is located to the north of the Italian peninsula. The Alps form a natural boundary between Italy and its neighboring countries such as France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia.

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Rome is located on the Italian Peninsula.

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The Apennines mountains. (Mountain ranges on the lower peninsula include the Pollino, La Sila, and Aspromonte massifs.)

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