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Hernando de Soto was searching for gold, silver, and other riches, while Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was looking for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold. Both explorers were motivated by the potential for wealth and glory that they believed awaited them in these uncharted territories.

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Q: What led Hernando de Soto and Francisco Vasquez de Coronado to explore what is now the southeastern and south western united States?
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What country sent fransico vaquez de coronado?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was sent by Spain to explore the North American Southwest in the early 16th century.

Which letter indicates the route taken by Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado?

The letter indicating the route taken by Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado is "A." He embarked on an expedition starting from Mexico in 1540 to explore the American Southwest, including present-day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Kansas.

What did the explorer francisco vasquez de coronado name the lands he discovered?

Francisco Vazquez de Coronado named the lands he discovered in what is now the American Southwest "Cíbola" and "Quivira." He was searching for the legendary Seven Cities of Gold, but did not find the riches he sought.

What was Francisco Vasquez De Cornado country represented?

Francisco Vásquez de Coronado represented Spain during his exploration of North America in the 16th century. He was searching for the legendary Seven Cities of Gold on behalf of the Spanish monarchy.

What physical features affected francisco vasquez de coronado exploration?

The physical features that affected Francisco Vásquez de Coronado's exploration were the vast deserts, rugged mountains, and harsh weather conditions he encountered in the American Southwest. These challenging terrains made it difficult for his expedition to navigate and led to hardships such as lack of water and extreme temperatures.

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Who was the Spanish conquistador that explored most of the Southeastern US in search of gold?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado .

Who were Francisco Vasquez Coronado's children?

Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and his wife, Doña Beatriz de Estrada, had two known children: Dona Isabel de Coronado and Don Hernando Vásquez de Coronado. Don Hernando later served as mayor of a town in New Spain.

Who explored southeastern North America in search of the Seven Cities of Cibola?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

What was the full name of Francisco Vasquez Coronado?

Easy! Francisco Vasquez De Coronado!

How many kids did Francisco Vasquez de Coronado?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado had 2 kids. Their names were Isabela Vasquez De Coronado & Marina Vasquez De Coronado

Who was Isabela Vasquez De Coronado and Marina Vasquez De Coronado?

They were Francisco Vasquez De Coronado's children.

Is francisco vasquez de coronado th same as Francisco Coronado?

yes. vasquez is his middle name.

What risks did Francisco Vasquez De Coronado take?

What risks did Francisco Vasquez De Coronado take?

What country did Francisco Vasquez De Coronado sailed to?

Francisco Vasquez De Coronado sailed to Mexico.

What is coronado's full name?

his full name is Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

Did francisco vasquez de coronado had friends?

To Answer You Alls Question, Yes Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Did Have Friends.

Who explored up into present-day Kansas and discovered the Grand Canyon?

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado