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The Dutch made no formal claims in Australia. They named the western two-thirds of the continent New Holland, and named several places along the western and south-western coasts.

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The Dutch claimed parts of Australia's western coast, naming it New Holland. However, they did not establish any permanent settlements and their claim to the land was not maintained.

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Q: What land did the dutch claim in Australia?
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Dutch explorer Dirk Hartog did not claim Australia because he did not see that the land offered anything of value. Landing on the west coast, he was faced with flat, featureless countryside that held few prospects for future trade - a complete contrast to what Cook saw when he charted (and claimed) the eastern coast over 150 years later.

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No. Dutch explorer Willem Jansz first landed on the western shores of Cape York, Australia, on 26 February 1606. However, the French did make an early claim on Australian territory, which the Dutch never did. France made its first formal claim to Australian territory on 30 March 1772.

Why didn't Holland settle Australia?

The Dutch explorers tended to land on Australia's Western coast, which was not as fertile as the east. (When the first Dutch explorer, Willem Jansz, landed in the north, in 1606, he thought the land was part of New Guinea.) Consequently, they saw the continent of Australia at its worst. The Dutch saw no value in the flat, featureless land they encountered, and no potential for resources or economic gain. Unlike the British, they did not need a port in the South Pacific because they already had Jakarta.

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The Dutch, who were from the country of Holland, were said to be the first to land and map the western coast of Australia. Holland is the present-day Netherlands.

Who was the first European to land on the west coast of Australia?

It was Dirk Hartog who was the first European to land on the west coast of Australia.

Why did captin cook think he had the right to claim Australia?

because cook sailed over the land for it

What nation first claimed Australia and what did they use it for?

Britain was the first to claim Australia, although the Dutch, Portuguese and French had explored parts of the continent's coast. Australia was first used as a penal colony for England's excess prisoners.

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Australia invaded or discovered?

The first European "discoverers" of Australia were the Dutch. They were not invaders, as they did not settle the land, nor did they see any value in capitalising on what they saw as its limited resources.

Did Queen Victoria conquer Australia?

No. Australia was discovered (by Europeans) by the Dutch, who called it Van Dieman's Land. The great Captain Cook rediscovered it and claimed it as a British territory.