The time difference between London and Ottawa is 5 hours. When it is 12 midnight in London, it is 7 in the evening in Ottawa.
The distance between London Gatwick Airport and London Heathrow Airport is approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers) by road. However, this distance can vary depending on the specific route taken.
The distance between London and Venice is approximately 750 miles (1200 kilometers) by air. Travel time can vary depending on the mode of transportation chosen.
The distance from London to Southend is approximately 40 miles.
The longest time difference in the world is 26 hours between some parts of Baker Island and Howland Island, both of which are uninhabited territories of the United States in the Pacific Ocean. Baker Island is in UTC-12 time zone, while Howland Island is in UTC+14 time zone.
The distance from Toronto to London, Ontario is approximately 200 km (124 miles) by road. The travel time by car is about 2-2.5 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
What time the time difference between Taba and Newcastle England
The time difference between Bangkok, Thailand, and London, United Kingdom, is usually 7 hours, with Bangkok being 7 hours ahead of London.
There is no time difference between any two points within England.
The time difference between London, UK and Hanoi, Vietnam is 6 hours. Hanoi is 6 hours ahead of London. So, when it is 3 am in Hanoi, it is 9 pm in London.
Time difference between London, England UK and Mumbai, Maharashtra India is: +5:30 hrs Mumbai is 5:30 hours ahead of London That means when it is 9:00 am in London, it is 2:30 pm in Mumbai.
The time difference between the western US (Pacific Time) and London is usually 8 hours. London is 8 hours ahead of the western US.
London is 5 hrs. ahead of Cuba.
Kos is 2 hours ahead of London
There is no time difference between any two points within England.