At 5,335 people per km2 (13,817.6 people per mi2) in 2006, Vancouver is the third most densely populated large city in North America after New York City and San Francisco
As of 2021, the population of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is estimated to be around 631,000 people.
The travel distance from Kent, Washington to Vancouver, Canada is approximately 140 miles (225 kilometers) by road. This distance may vary depending on the specific route taken and mode of transportation.
The city is 114.67 km2 and has a population of 578,041 according to the last census. Metro Vancouver has an area of 2,878.52 km2 and a population of 2,116,581 according to the last census.
He did not discover Canada.
Did you mean West Hills? Near Los Angeles? If so, the distance is 2,051 km or 1,274 miles.Measured with the starting point at Granville St and W 10th Ave in Vancouver and ending at Burbank Blvd and Platt Ave in West Hills.
There are 2 cities named Vancouver, one in Canada, one in the United States.
were is the closet welfare offices in vancouver, bc, to kitsalano,vancouver,bc.,canada
On the West Coast, Vancouver, BC. In the East Toronto, ON and Montreal, QC.
western Canada BC
The three-letter airport code for Vancouver, BC, Canada, is YVR.
Vancouver is a city. At least Vancouver, BC, Canada is anyway.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
The distance from the North Pole to Vancouver, BC is 2,822-miles. Vancouver is a coastal seaport city on the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. It is the eighth-largest municipality in Canada.
The driving distance from Spokane, WA, USA to Vancouver, BC, Canada is 414.61mi / 667.25km
Here is the address for the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall in Vancouver, BC: 8330 Chester Street, Vancouver, BC V5X 3Y6.
Vancouver, bc, Canada
By population - Toronto ON, Montreal QC, Vancouver BC, Ottawa ON, Calgary AB and Edmonton AB are all in the millions.