As of 2021, the population of Malia, a town in the Crete region of Greece, is around 6,000 residents.
The population of Pembury is approximately 6,000.
The population of Schwenheim is approximately 10,000 residents.
The population of Presteigne is estimated to be around 2,728.
The population of Tirupur district is 2,471,222.
As of the latest available data, the population of Kalpakkam in India is estimated to be around 20,000 people.
Maila Talvio's birth name is Maila Winter.
Maila Damian's birth name is Maila Ayson Damian.
Maila Gumila is 5' 4".
Maila Damian is 5' 2".
Maila Damian goes by Mai.
Maila Nurmi was born on December 11, 1922.
Maila Nurmi was born on December 11, 1922.
Maila Gumila's birth name is Gumila, Maristella.
Maila Nurmi died on January 10, 2008 at the age of 85.
Maila Tuomi was born on November 13, 1925, in Reposaari, Finland.
Maila Tuomi died on November 13, 2009, in Helsinki, Finland.
Maila Talvio was born on October 17, 1871, in Hartola, Finland.