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The opposite of ESE on the compass is WNW (West Northwest).

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Q: What is the opposite of ESE on the compass?
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How many points on a compass?

Compass bearings have been split into 16 different directions: N, NNE, NE, ENE, E,ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW, back to N. N - North E - East S - South W - West

What is the west on a compass?

The west is the direction on a compass that is 270 degrees clockwise from the north. It is opposite to the east.

A Juanita le interesantes las obras de ese poeta?


How would a southern hemisphere compass differ from a northern hemisphere compass?

The Southern Hemisphere compass will naturally align it self with the South Poleanswer 2 A compass designed to work in the southern hemisphere will have the needle/card balanced differently, for in the S hemisphere the S pole will cause the compass to dip slightly - and opposite to the northern hemisphere.The compass manufacturers divide the Earth into five zones for balance. Some folk need a compass that is insensitive to this effect, (e.g. Army) and for this they choose to have the needle a smaller part of the weight balanced on the pivot, and have a liquid filled compass.Regarding the first sentence above, the compass needle actually aligns itself with the lines of magnetic force at your location - which will still result in a N - S alignment.

What does a que pertenece ese lugar mean?

"¿A qué pertenece ese lugar?" is a Spanish question that translates to "What does that place belong to?" or "To whom does that place belong?" It is asking about the ownership or affiliation of a specific location.

Related questions

What degree on the compass rose is ESE?

135 degrees

What is 112.5 degrees on a compass?

112.5 degrees on a compass falls between East Southeast (ESE) and East (E).

Opposite of WNW?

Think about it. The opposite of west is? East. The opposite of north is? South. So the opposite of WNW is ESE.

What is the opposite for NNW and ENE and ESE and WNW?


Which direction has a compass bearing of 135?

A compass bearing of 135 degrees points southeast.

What is the opposite of NNW on the compass?


When a compass rose indicates only one direction they use a compass rose indicates two directions usually indicates north and the opposite direction which is?

If the question is asking what is opposite north on a compass then the answer is south.

What is difference between compass points and compass bearings?

Where N=North, E=East, S=South, W=West. The compass points are, N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW. The compass bearings is the direction you are traveling. which can be any of the above.

Which point of the compass is directly opposite north west?


What compass point is opposite north -north -west?

South - South - East

What nicknames does Ese Daniel Ovueraye go by?

Ese Daniel Ovueraye goes by Ese Ovueraye.

How can you fix a compass that is next to a magnet?

To fix a compass near a magnet, move the compass away from the magnet to ensure accurate readings. If that doesn't work, try demagnetizing the compass by rubbing a strong magnet in the opposite direction. Finally, calibrate the compass according to manufacturer instructions to reset its accuracy.