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The Equator is the imaginary line that splits the world into the northern hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It is located at 0 degrees latitude and divides the Earth into two equal halves.

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Q: What is the imaginary line that splits the world into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere?
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Can you reside in two hemispheres?

Yes, it is possible to reside in two hemispheres if a person splits their time living in different locations that are on opposite sides of the equator. This could involve having a home in both the northern and southern hemispheres and traveling between the two.

Which of these cities is in the Southern Hemisphere Paris France Tokyo Japan Lima Peru Washington D.C.?

Lima, Peru is in the southern hemisphere.

How can Tennessee be in two different hemispheres?

That's not a problem. There are parts of Africa in four different hemispheres.I think the key is to remind you that we talk about four different hemispheres,and no hemisphere locks out ALL of the other ones. In fact, each hemisphereonly locks out ONE of the others, and with very few exceptions, every point onEarth is generally in two hemispheres.Here's what I mean:-- Northern hemisphere:Half of it is also in the Eastern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Western hemisphere.-- Southern hemisphere:Half of it is also in the Eastern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Western hemisphere.-- Eastern hemisphere:Half of it is also the Northern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Southern hemisphere.-- Western hemisphere:Half of it is also in the Northern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Southern hemisphere.Tennessee is in the half of the Northern hemisphere that's also in theWestern hemisphere, and in the half of the Western hemisphere that'salso in the Northern one.Is this confusing you ? It could all be clear if someone showed it to youon a globe. But before you leave here, try thinking about it this way:-- On a piece of paper, draw a big square.-- Then draw a line across the middle of it that splits it intothe top half and the bottom half.-- Then draw another line, up and down, through the middle ofthe square, that splits it into the left half and the right half. Now you have one big square with four little squares inside of it. Pick one of thelittle ones. Any point in that little square might be in the top half of the big oneAND the left half of the big one, both at the same time.

Why is the Eastern Hemisphere called the eastern hemisphere?

The Eastern Hemisphere is called so because it includes all the land and water east of the Prime Meridian, which is a line of longitude measuring 0 degrees. This hemisphere includes regions like Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Which hemisphere is Colombia in?,r:2,s:0 Most of it is in the Northern Hemisphere; because the Equator splits it between hemispheres, it depends which parts of it you are talking about.

Related questions

Where does the world split into the northern and southern hemisphere?

The earth splits at the Equator.

What splits the earth into northern and southern hemisphers?

The equator

Is a equator a invisible line that splits earth in half?

The equator is not an invisible line, but rather a noticeable line on Earth's surface that divides the planet into two hemispheres - the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It is an imaginary line that is equidistant from the North and South Poles.

Is Africa south of the equator?

The Equator splits Africa in half with a northern and southern half

Can you reside in two hemispheres?

Yes, it is possible to reside in two hemispheres if a person splits their time living in different locations that are on opposite sides of the equator. This could involve having a home in both the northern and southern hemispheres and traveling between the two.

What the equator is a imaginary line of?

The equator is an imaginary line that has been set to determine the exact halfway mark between the Northern an Southern hemispheres of the Earth. Most of it runs across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans- the land masses that it covers are what is known as Equatorial Africa, which includes Southern Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon, the Northern part of South America which includes Southern Colombia and Venezuela, and the Indonesian / Malaysian islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. The Galapagos Islands are almost exactly on the Equator. There used to be a tradition on passenger ships of holding a ceremony whenever the vessels crossed the Equatorial line, where a bell would be rung and a ceremony conducted that involved a man dressed up as the Greek God Neptune, which may still be observed for the amusement of those wealthy enough to afford ocean cruises.

Which of these cities is in the Southern Hemisphere Paris France Tokyo Japan Lima Peru Washington D.C.?

Lima, Peru is in the southern hemisphere.

How can Tennessee be in two different hemispheres?

That's not a problem. There are parts of Africa in four different hemispheres.I think the key is to remind you that we talk about four different hemispheres,and no hemisphere locks out ALL of the other ones. In fact, each hemisphereonly locks out ONE of the others, and with very few exceptions, every point onEarth is generally in two hemispheres.Here's what I mean:-- Northern hemisphere:Half of it is also in the Eastern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Western hemisphere.-- Southern hemisphere:Half of it is also in the Eastern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Western hemisphere.-- Eastern hemisphere:Half of it is also the Northern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Southern hemisphere.-- Western hemisphere:Half of it is also in the Northern hemisphere and theother half of it is also in the Southern hemisphere.Tennessee is in the half of the Northern hemisphere that's also in theWestern hemisphere, and in the half of the Western hemisphere that'salso in the Northern one.Is this confusing you ? It could all be clear if someone showed it to youon a globe. But before you leave here, try thinking about it this way:-- On a piece of paper, draw a big square.-- Then draw a line across the middle of it that splits it intothe top half and the bottom half.-- Then draw another line, up and down, through the middle ofthe square, that splits it into the left half and the right half. Now you have one big square with four little squares inside of it. Pick one of thelittle ones. Any point in that little square might be in the top half of the big oneAND the left half of the big one, both at the same time.

What splits the earth in half east to west?

The Earth is divided east to west by the Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England. This imaginary line serves as the starting point for measuring longitude and divides the Earth into the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere.

Is earths rotation and tilts on its axis cause your season?

Yes the earths axis cases the earths its seasons. The tilt determines how much the content is exposed. The higher you will be exposed to less sun which causes it to be cold. Also which the bottom more closer you are to the bottom its cold. There is a imaginary line that splits the earth into two parts. Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere. This line is called the equator, everything close to this line is very tropical and hot. The earths axis is determined how far the moon is from the sun which is another question which there is answer.... hope this helped

What line splits eastern and western hemisphere?

Prime Meridian

How is the equator like the prime meridian and how are they different?

Both the equator and prime meridian are halfway points across the Earth. The equator splits the Earth's Northern and Southern Hemispheres horizontally (latitude). The prime meridian splits the Earth's Eastern and Western Hemispheres vertically (longitude).