The exact place on earth where a geographic feature is found is referred to as its coordinates, given in terms of latitude and longitude. These coordinates help pinpoint the specific location of the feature on the Earth's surface.
they usually use longitude and latitude to describe exactly where they are on the surface of the earth .
An example of a piece of information based on place is the geographic coordinates of a specific location, such as latitude and longitude. This information provides the exact position of a place on Earth's surface.
The name given to the height of a place above sea level is known as elevation.
A toponym is a place name, especially one derived from a topographical feature. It can refer to the name of a town, city, or other geographic location.
On page 280 Crusty says his real name is Procrustes
Tinny is the assistant
What is the name of sarha's songs
i want the crust i want the crust i want the crusty crust i want the crust
The exact noun for the pronoun "I" is the name of the person speaking. The pronoun "I" takes the place of the noun (name) for the person speaking as the subject of a sentence or a clause.
He had a crusty pizza for lunch.He's a crusty person, no one likes him.
it means crusty/old. and in some languages it means kathy.
Justin Deramus is very crusty and has the swag of Andrew lynchJustin Deramus is very crusty and has the swag of Andrew lynchJustin Deramus is very crusty and has the swag of Andrew lynch
An example of a crusty entree would be pot pie.