Sea View Highway has an average elevation of around 50 feet above sea level.
The word is elevation.
The lowest elevation in the Philippines is at the Philippine Sea coast, which is at sea level. The highest elevation is the summit of Mount Apo, the country's highest peak, which stands at 2,954 meters (9,692 feet) above sea level.
Antarctica has the lowest elevation above sea level among the continents.
An elevation map shows the height of land above sea level.
1701 above sea level
the elevation of sea level is 0 degrees.
The elevation at sea level is defined as 0 feet or 0 meters. This serves as a reference point for measuring elevations above or below sea level on land.
The "sea level elevation " of anywhere is '0' feet .
"Elevation" is an architect's term for what an engineer would call a "side view". So a front elevation would be a front view, etc.Architects use "plan" for what we call "top view".
The height above or below sea level is "elevation". Altitude is used only for distance above sea level.
The elevation of a place above sea level
sea level no elevation
Frisco's elevation is 9,075 feet above sea level.