The driving distance between Cranbrook, BC and Sudbury, Ontario is approximately 4,100 kilometers (2,550 miles) depending on the specific route taken.
Prince George, BC has an elevation of approximately 569 meters (1,867 feet) above sea level.
Nelson, BC, Canada has an elevation above sea level of approximately 530 meters (1,740 feet).
Esquimalt is located at an average elevation of about 16 feet above sea level on Vancouver Island, BC. However, the elevation can vary slightly throughout the area.
Prince George, BC is located at an elevation of approximately 579 meters (1,900 feet) above sea level.
2,234 miles / 3,595 km to Cranbrook, BC.
Cranbrook is in East Kootenay, in the south east of BC, just west of the Rocky Mountains and 50 miles from the border with Idaho.
Matthew Lavery from Cranbrook, BC
524 miles
The driving distance between Cranbrook, BC and Sudbury, Ontario is approximately 4,100 kilometers (2,550 miles) depending on the specific route taken.
The total distance is about 300km, so driving time shouldn't be over 3 hours from lethbridge to cranbrook
It is 241 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 3,110 kilometers according to Google Maps.
It is 258 miles according t Google Maps.
It is 423 miles according to Google Maps.
1478 miles on I-15 1389 miles on 395
3 h 31 min (296.8 km) via BC-95 S and US-95 S