The driving distance from Orlando Sanford Airport to Downtown Disney is approximately 30 miles. It usually takes around 30-40 minutes to drive between the two locations, depending on traffic conditions.
The driving distance between Sanford Airport and Kissimmee in Orlando, FL is approximately 40-45 miles depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance from Orlando to Sanibel Island is approximately 220 miles, which would take around 3.5-4 hours by car, depending on traffic and route taken.
The driving distance from Detroit to Orlando is approximately 1,100 miles. The exact distance may vary depending on the specific route taken.
The distance between Memphis, Tennessee and Orlando, Florida is approximately 700 miles by road.
The driving distance between San Francisco and Orlando is approximately 2,800 miles. The exact distance can vary depending on the route taken and any detours or stops along the way. It would take around 40-45 hours of non-stop driving to cover this distance.
about 135 miles
26.26mi / 42.26km
The driving distance from Orlando Sanford International Airport to Davenport, Florida is 68 miles. Driving time is 1 hour, 20 minutes.
The driving distance between Sanford Airport and Kissimmee in Orlando, FL is approximately 40-45 miles depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance is about 39.4 road miles - approximately 44 minutes driving time.
1,055 miles via I-77 from downtown Cleveland.
These two airports are about 34 driving miles from each other. Sanford is northeast of Orlando International.
The driving distance from Sanford, Florida to Powder Springs, Georgia is 459 miles and about 7 hours of driving.
The driving distance is 1,070 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 35.1 miles.
The driving distance from Oakland, MD to Orlando, FL is 906 miles.
The driving distance from Orlando, FL, USA to Poinciana, FL, USA is 36.13mi / 58.14km