The driving distance from Kissimmee, Florida to Orlando is approximately 18 miles, depending on the specific locations within each city. It typically takes around 30 minutes to drive between the two cities, depending on traffic conditions.
The driving distance between Sanford Airport and Kissimmee in Orlando, FL is approximately 40-45 miles depending on the specific route taken.
The distance from Kissimmee, FL to Orlando, FL is approximately 20 miles, depending on the specific starting and ending points within each city. This distance can typically be covered in about 30-40 minutes by car, depending on traffic conditions.
The distance between Memphis, Tennessee and Orlando, Florida is approximately 700 miles by road.
The driving distance between Port Charlotte, Florida and Orlando, Florida is approximately 135 miles, depending on the specific route taken. The journey typically takes around 2.5 to 3 hours by car, depending on traffic conditions.
The driving distance between Raleigh, North Carolina and Orlando, Florida is approximately 650 miles.
The driving distance between Kissimmee, Florida and Orlando is about 18 miles
approx 20-25mi or 30 t0-40 min
The driving distance from Kissimmee, Florida to Eustis, Florida is 53 miles.
The driving distance from Kissimmee, Florida to Palm Bay, Florida is 56 miles.
The driving distance between Sanford Airport and Kissimmee in Orlando, FL is approximately 40-45 miles depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance from Kissimmee Florida to Melbourne Florida is 55 miles
The driving distance is approximately 430 miles.
The distance from kissimmee Florida to Jupiter Florida is 125 miles / 201 Km
It is 203.60 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance is about 70 miles.
The driving distance is about 195 miles.
The driving distance from Panama City, Florida to Orlando, Florida is about 375 miles.