The road distance between the places is 480. miles. This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Also it should be noted that various traffic rules like 'one ways' and 'no entries' have Not been considered when calculating this distance.
Toronto There are numerous major cities in Ontario. Thunder Bay Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury North Bay Windsor Hamilton Kitchener/Waterloo Toronto Mississauga Oshawa Kingston Ottawa
The road mile distance between Petrolia in Ontario and Windsor in Ontario is approximately 141 miles via ON-40 and ON-401.
The distance from Kincardine, Ontario, to Goderich, Ontario, is approximately 58 kilometers (36 miles) when traveling by road.
The driving distance from Toronto, Ontario to Espanola, Ontario is approximately 425 kilometers (264 miles) via ON-400 N and ON-69 N. The distance may vary based on the specific route taken and current road conditions.
The distance between the start point and the destination is 292km, and will take approximately 3 hours 22 minutes of driving time.
About 280km
94 miles
65 miles
The road distance between the places is 475 miles. This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Also it should be noted that various traffic rules like 'one ways' and 'no entries' have Not been considered when calculating this distance.
91 kilometres.
1153 miles
About 1,150 miles.
Distance: 177.54 miles / 285.72 kilometers - Time: 3:00 h
It is 27.4 kilometers according to Google Maps.
The driving distance is about 349 road miles or 561 km.
About 45 miles.
Berlin , Ontario