The distance from Buffalo to Albany is approximately 412 kilometers or 256 miles.
The approximate driving distance from Albany, NY to Duck in the Outer Banks of North Carolina is around 550-600 miles. The exact distance can vary depending on the specific route taken.
The distance between Albany, NY, and Ithaca, NY, is approximately 180 miles. The driving time is typically around 3 to 4 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
The driving distance from Canton, NC to Albany, NY is approximately 850 miles and would take about 13-14 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
The driving distance between Austin, TX and Albany, NY is approximately 1,650 miles. This distance can vary depending on the specific route taken and any detours or stops made along the way. It typically takes over 24 hours of driving time to cover this distance without factoring in breaks or rest stops.
40 miles
The driving distance from the town of Canajoharie, NY to Albany, NY is 54 miles.
There are about 260.552 miles between Buffalo, NY and Albany, NY.
about 200 miles
The distance from Buffalo to Albany is approximately 412 kilometers or 256 miles.
The driving distance from Albany, New York to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is 233 miles.
The driving distance is about 14.7 road miles.
365 miles
About 20 miles.
The Distance between Kinderhook, NY to Albany, NY is about 24 miles i.e about 30 minutes.
The air distance from Albany, New York, to Troy, New York, is 6 miles. That equals 10 kilometers or 5 nautical miles.
Answer It's about 156 miles. The distance from Albany, NY to New York, NY is 155 miles. It is 150.95 miles according to MapQuest.