180 miles taking this route:
The distance from Alexandria, VA to Virginia Beach, VA is approximately 200 miles by road.
The driving distance from Virginia Beach to New York City is approximately 290 miles, which can take around 4.5 to 6 hours depending on traffic and route taken. It is advised to check for real-time traffic updates before embarking on the journey.
The driving distance between Tuscaloosa, AL and Virginia Beach, VA is approximately 785 miles. The driving time would be approximately 13 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The driving distance from Chatham, VA to Whipple, VA is approximately 45 miles.
It is approximately 150 miles from Virginia Beach to Assateague Island, VA. The most common route is to take I-64 W to US-13 N.
The distance from Alexandria, VA to Virginia Beach, VA is approximately 200 miles by road.
The total driving distance from Virginia Beach, VA to Portland, ME is 673 miles or 1,083 kilometers.
about 176 miles
82 miles taking this route:Follow I-95 SOUTH, from Baltimore, to VA-619 EAST to TRIANGLE and QUANTICO at EXIT 150A.Take VA-619 EAST to QUANTICO.
40 miles
60 miles
The driving distance from Ottawa, ON, Canada to Virginia Beach, VA, USA is 708.61mi / 1140.39km
2 hrs 13mins
The total driving distance from Toronto, Canada to Virginia Beach, VA is 679 miles or 1,093 kilometers.
Around 80 miles.
355 miles
The shortest driving distance is 341 miles.