The distance from Holyhead in Wales to Essex in England is approximately 280 miles (450 kilometers) when traveling by road.
Essex County in England covers an area of approximately 1,417 square miles.
The distance between Cambridge, MA and Essex, MA is approximately 30 miles.
The distance between England and Virginia is approximately 3,670 miles (5,906 kilometers) if you were to travel by air.
No, an Essex senior bus pass is only valid for use in Essex. You would need to check the eligibility and options for bus passes in Scotland.
As of 2021, the population of Tiptree in Essex, England is estimated to be around 9,000 residents.
There are 128.779 miles between Essex, UK and Nottingham, England.
197 miles by road
I make it 5930 miles
The distance from Essex in England to Perth in Australia is 8,966 miles. A flight would take more than 18 hours from London.
Russell Brand is from Essex, England.
The distance from Essex County, England to Leeds, United Kingdom is 163.2 miles. In normal driving conditions, the trip takes about 2 hours 20 minutes.
Essex is in the East of England, therefore "English" is the nationality of the residents of Essex. Or British.
It takes approximately five hours to get from Hollyhead to London.
The driving distance from Deby, United Kingdom to Stansted Airport, Stansted, Essex, United Kingdom is 134.8 miles. The drive takes about 2 hours 14 minutes.
Essex is a county in England, UK. The UK is in Europe. Essex is therefore in Europe.
Francis Essex was born on March 29, 1929, in Brentwood, Essex, England, UK.
Clavering in the county of Essex in England