The distance in road miles between Washington, DC and Williamsburg, VA is approximately 150 miles depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance from Chattanooga, Tennessee to Washington DC is approximately 550 miles, which typically takes about 8-9 hours by car.
The driving distance from Washington DC to JFK Airport in New York City is approximately 225 miles. The journey would take around 4-5 hours by car, depending on traffic and route taken.
The distance from Washington DC to Lumberton NC is approximately 300 miles by road. It typically takes around 5-6 hours to drive between the two locations depending on traffic and the chosen route.
The driving distance between Washington, DC and Norfolk, VA is around 200 miles, which typically takes about 3-4 hours to drive depending on traffic and route taken.
The distance from Washington DC to New York is, 209 miles or 182 nautical miles. Source: Time and == ==
227 miles from NYC to Washington, DC.
what is the distance from Washington DC to Mt. Rushmore
Washington, DC
No the state of Washington is not located in NYC and neither is Washington DC.
NYC to Seattle: about 3000 miles NYC to DC: about 230 miles
No, Washington DC is about 250 miles south of NYC
It is.....
The driving distance is about 30 miles.
The driving distance from Charlottesville, VA, USA to Washington, DC, USA is 116.2mi / 187km
The driving distance from Washington, DC, to Albany, NY, is 363mi / 584km