The distance between Polokwane and Belfast is approximately 368 kilometers.
The distance between Belfast City Airport and Belfast International Airport is approximately 30 miles.
The distance from Belfast to the Mourne Mountains is approximately 34 miles (55 kilometers) by road.
The distance from Cloughy to Belfast is approximately 28 miles.
The distance between Belfast and Ballymena is approximately 30 miles by road. This journey usually takes around 45 minutes to an hour to drive, depending on traffic conditions.
The population of Maghera is 3,711.
Maghera railway station was created in 1880.
Maghera railway station ended in 1950.
The distance between Polokwane and Belfast is approximately 368 kilometers.
Distance betwee Galway and Belfast is 312km / 195 miles approx
The driving distance from Liverpool to Belfast is approximately 295 miles / 475 km
About a mile.
28 miles taking this route:Take A25 BELFAST, from Castlewellan, to A24 BELFAST.Take A24 to Belfast.
The driving distance from Portland, ME, USA to Belfast, ME, USA is 102.59mi / 165.1km
the distance is approx 5 miles to the city hall in the city centre.
From Paris to Belfast, the distance is 854 kilometers or 531 miles.
1.4 miles or 9 minutes