The distance between Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Toronto, Canada is approximately 350 miles.
Harrisburg, PA is approximately 320 feet above sea level.
Yes, Route 81 South goes through Harrisburg, PA.
It is approximately 260 miles from Toronto to Erie, PA.
85 miles taking this route:Take PA-100 SOUTH, from Pottstown, to I-76 PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE (toll road); follow signs to I-76 WEST to HARRISBURG (EXITS 298-2).Take the PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE - WEST, on I-76, to Harrisburg.
Type your answer here... distance from niagara falls to harrisburg PA
207 miles
About 83 miles.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 28 minutes.
The driving distance from Lancaster PA to Harrisburg PA is 38 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 47 minutes.
It is 41.2 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 131 miles taking I-81 SOUTH.
The distance between Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Toronto, Canada is approximately 350 miles.
Between 65-70 miles.
If you are asking about Harrisburg PA, (near York PA), you are looking at 80 miles or so of distance.
79.88 miles
Distance: 40.02 miles - Time: 49 mins., according to Yahoo Maps.