The distance between Andersonville, Georgia and Cumberland Island is approximately 170 miles.
Amelia Island is about 33 miles northeast of Jacksonville, FL. It takes approximately 45 minutes to drive between the two locations.
The driving distance between Dallas, TX and Tybee Island, GA is approximately 1,050 miles, which would take around 16-17 hours to drive without factoring in traffic or stops.
The distance in travel road miles from Atlanta, Georgia to Parris Island, South Carolina is approximately 280-300 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
it depends on how slow your mom movesBecause if your mom moves at a reasonable rate, it will be 380 miles taking this route:Take I-95 NORTH, from Miami, all the way up to FL-200/A1A to FERNANDINA BEACH at EXIT 373 (turn right off the exit ramp onto FL-200/A1A EAST towards AMELIA), via I-295 EAST BELTWAY to bypass JACKSONVILLE (EXIT 337 off I-95 to get onto I-295, follow signs to I-295 EAST BELTWAY towards JAX BEACHES ; EXIT 35B off I-295 to continue on I-95 NORTH to SAVANNAH).Take FL-200/A1A EAST to Amelia Island.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Atlanta, Georgia and Amelia Island, South Carolina is 523 miles. The resulting travel time is 8 hours and 59 minutes.
The air distance from Amelia Island, Florida, to Charlotte, North Carolina, is 320 miles. That equals 515 kilometers or 278 nautical miles.
The driving distance is about 425 miles.
The distance between Andersonville, Georgia and Cumberland Island is approximately 170 miles.
It is located on Amelia Island within the state of Florida. It is considered a luxury resort. It is famous for its well rated hotels and has hosted Women's Tennis Association at the island for the past 20 years.
About 425 miles and 8 to 8.5 hours of driving.
Amelia is
The shortest driving distance is 375 miles.
It is 127 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 194 miles according to Google Maps.
Amelia Island Affair happened in 1817.
Amelia Island Plantation was created in 1971.