The distance between South Bend, Indiana and Shipshewana, Indiana is approximately 50 miles.
The distance from Aurora to Chicago is approximately 41 miles.
The road distance from Chicago to Spokane is approximately 1,750 miles.
The road distance from Chicago, IL to Paducah, KY is approximately 370 miles.
The distance between Detroit and Chicago is approximately 280 miles by road.
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Merrillville, Indiana is 42 miles via I-90 E per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 48 minutes.
about 40 miles
It takes two hours and sixteen hours to drive from Kokomo, IN to Merrillville, IN.
$.64 a gallon
Merrillville, until they cut it down
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Huntington, Indiana is 163 miles / 262 km
If they do not mess it up 10 days
fried chicken
The address of the Ross Township Historical Society is: 511 E 69Th Avenue, Merrillville, IN 46410
the supermarket down the road