The distance between Orlando and Port St. Lucie is approximately 125 miles by car, taking about 2 hours to drive.
The approximate driving distance between Port Huron and Saginaw, Michigan is around 130 miles. It may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken and any potential detours.
The driving distance between Dallas, TX and New Port Richey, FL is approximately 1,090 miles. This distance may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance between Port Charlotte, Florida and Orlando, Florida is approximately 135 miles, depending on the specific route taken. The journey typically takes around 2.5 to 3 hours by car, depending on traffic conditions.
The distance between Cape Coral and Port Richey in Florida is approximately 140 miles. This distance may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
Take South American Way from Biscayne Blvd. The sign reads "Port of Miami". It is a right turn off of Biscayne. Distance from downtown...3 blocks.
The distance between Miami and Port (Cape) Canaveral FL is about 212 road miles.
Mapquest says the distance is 8.03 miles and the travel time is 14 minutes.
It is an estimated 1,131 miles between the port of Miami and St. Croix. The flight time between these locations is 2 hours and 46 minutes.
180 miles
about 215 miles
4 hours
about 25 miles
These hotels are within one mile of the port of Miami:InterContinental MiamiContinental Downtown Bayside - Port of MiamiMandarin Oriental MiamiLeamington Hotel-Downtown/Port Of MiamiHoliday Inn Port of Miami - DowntownJW Marriott Marquis MiamiHotel Beaux Arts MiamiEPIC Hotel - a Kimpton Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Miami DowntownHyatt Regency MiamiViceroy MiamiRiver Park Hotel & SuitesTempo Miami, a RockResortJW Marriott Hotel Miami
It is 209.23 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 212 milles according to Google Maps.
We are going on a cruise which sets sail from Port Canaveral but we are flying into Miami airport. We need to get car rental and travel to Port Canaveral but cannot do so from South Africa as the tour operators tell us that there is no depot at Port this correct and how far is it to drive from Miami airport to Port Canaveral.