The distance between Peoria, Illinois and Centralia, Illinois is approximately 150-160 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance between Oak Forest, Illinois, and Peoria, Illinois, is approximately 150 miles, depending on the specific route taken. This usually translates to a driving time of around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
Peoria is the name of a city in Illinois, USA. It was named after the Peoria Native American tribe that originally inhabited the area.
101 miles. This is the best route:Take U.S. 67 NORTH to U.S. 34 EAST. Continue STRAIGHT.Take U.S. 34 EAST to I-74 EAST towards Peoria. EXIT RIGHT.Take I-74 EAST to Peoria.
290 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 54 EAST (towards FULTON), to I-70 EAST to ST. LOUIS.Take I-70 EAST to I-55 NORTH to CHICAGO, via I-270 NORTH (& EAST) to bypass ST. LOUIS (EXIT 232B off I-70 to get onto I-270 NORTH ; EXIT 15B off I-270 EAST in ILLINOIS to get onto I-55 NORTH to CHICAGO).Take I-55 NORTH to I-155 NORTH to PEORIA at EXIT 127, near Lincoln.Take I-155 NORTH to I-74 WEST to PEORIA.Take I-74 WEST into Peoria.
The driving distance from Peoria, Arizona to Morton, Illinois is 1,664 miles.
165 miles taking this route:Take I-55 SOUTH to I-74 WEST to PEORIA at EXIT 163.Take I-74 WEST to Peoria.
where to stay in Springfield illinois
1369 miles
88 miles taking I-74.
The distance between Peoria, Illinois and Centralia, Illinois is approximately 150-160 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
The direct distance from Los Angeles to Peoria, Illinois is 1640 miles (2640 km).The driving distance from Los Angeles to Peoria, Illinois is 1,947 mi - about 1 day 4 hours.
The driving distance between Oak Forest, Illinois, and Peoria, Illinois, is approximately 150 miles, depending on the specific route taken. This usually translates to a driving time of around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
The driving distance is about 1,050km
134.48 miles / 216.43 kilometers
500 distance
Pierron, Illinois is halfway between Sikeston & Peoria