The distance between Fairfield, CT and New Haven, CT is approximately 20 miles.
The below given calculated time and distance does not include time spent in traffic, effect of weather and other obstacles. The distance between these two places is 70.2 miles. The above said location can be reached from the starting position in 1 hour 15 minutes.
The distance between Hartford, CT and Rocky Hill, CT is approximately 8 miles.
113 miles taking this route:Take CT-37 SOUTH or CT-39 SOUTH from New Fairfield to I-84 in Danbury. Follow signs to I-84 EAST to WATERBURY and NEW BRITAIN.Take I-84 EAST to CT-9 via CT-73 (EXIT 34 off I-84). Once you are at CT-9, follow signs to CT-9 SOUTH to MIDDLETOWN.Take CT-9 SOUTH to I-95 NORTH to NEW LONDON and PROVIDENCE.Take I-95 NORTH to I-395 NORTH to NORWICH and PLAINFIELD off EXIT 76.Take I-395 NORTH to CT-2A EAST to PRESTON and LEDYARD off EXIT 79A.Take CT-2A EAST to MOHEGAN SUN BOULEVARD off EXIT 2.Take Mohegan Sun Boulevard to the Mohegan Sun Casino.
The driving distance between Boston, MA and Greenwich, CT is approximately 160 miles. The travel time can vary depending on traffic and route taken, but it typically takes around 2.5 to 3 hours to drive between the two cities.
80 miles taking I-95 NORTH.
Norwalk to Chicago is not very far, as the distance between them is only 837 Miles/1346 Km which will take you 12 hours 36 minutes on a car ride.
how much are the tolls from Norwalk, CT to LaGuardia Airport
There are a few different cable companies in Norwalk, CT. Here are a couple and thier websites, Norwalk Connecticut Cable:; also Comcast:
Norwalk Ct?
The address of the Norwalk Museum is: 41 North Main St., South Norwalk, CT 06854
The address of the Norwalk Seaport Association is: 132 Water St, Norwalk, CT 06854-3139
The address of the Friends Of The Norwalk Museums Inc is: 5 Eversley Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851
It is 832 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Norwalk Historical Society Incorporated is: Po Box 1640, Norwalk, CT 06852-1640
South Norwalk, CT
Cablevision is a good one. Contact them at 28 Cross Street, Norwalk, CT - (203) 750-5703 This site lets you tailor a search for cable providers close to home. Go to