The driving distance between Stowe and Bangor, Maine is approximately 230 miles via I-95 North. This route typically takes around 4 hours to drive, depending on traffic and weather conditions.
The distance between Sydney, Australia and Bangor, Maine is approximately 13,700 kilometers (8,500 miles) when traveling by air. This distance may vary depending on the specific route taken by plane.
The distance between Moncton, New Brunswick and Bangor, Maine is approximately 310 kilometers (192 miles) when driving by car.
187 miles taking this route:Take A2 BELFAST, from Bangor, to M1 DUBLIN, in Belfast.Take M1 to A1 to The SOUTH to DUBLIN at J8.Take A1 to IRELAND, where the road becomes N1.Take N1 & M1 (S) to DUBLIN PORT. Follow signs.Once you are at DUBLIN PORT, take a FERRY to HOLYHEAD, NORTH WALES, U.K.
The driving distance between Bangor, ME and Tulsa, OK is approximately 1785 miles. The driving time would be approximately 29 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The distance between the cities of Bangor, Maine and Houlton, Maine is about 98 miles. To travel from Bangor to Houlton, you would go in a north to east direction.
There are about 2,874 miles between Bangor, ME and Phoenix, AZ.
It's approximately 280 miles from Bangor to London by road.
13.3 miles
5,184 miles
The exact distance between Toronto and Bangor is 531 miles (854 km).The driving distance from Toronto, Canada to Bangor, Maine is 622 mi (999kms) - about 11 hours 40 mins.
The driving distance from Bangor, ME, USA to Austin, TX, USA is 2189.51mi / 3523.68km
The driving distance between Stowe and Bangor, Maine is approximately 230 miles via I-95 North. This route typically takes around 4 hours to drive, depending on traffic and weather conditions.
56 miles
About 2,861 miles. I checked with Google Earth. That is if you travel by car though.
The direct distance between Bangor, Maine and Waterbury, Connecticut is 312 miles (501 km).The driving distance from Bangor to Waterbury is 360 mi - about 5 hours 59 mins.
288mi / 463.5km